feature your
cheklists and apps
on cheklist.io
add your app to our directory for free. apps will be vetted by our team before being added to the directory. email featured@cheklist.io with the required information for your app. the information needed will be the app name (100 character limit), description (255 character limit), an optional small image for the app, and a link to a page where users can get your app.
the price to feature an app on the site at the top of the /apps page is $100 per day. email us at featured@cheklist.io to schedule one or more days to be featured. if we're able to schedule it for the desired days, we'll send you a payment link to pre-pay and lock in your reservation. pre-paid fees are non-refundable but we can work with you to reschedule days if needed.
featured listings will be updated at approximately 6am US Central Standard Time on your scheduled day and run until 6am the following day.
the price to feature a cheklist on the site at the top of the /explore page is $50 per day. email us at featured@cheklist.io to schedule one or more days to be featured. if we're able to schedule it for the desired days, we'll send you a payment link to pre-pay and lock in your reservation. pre-paid fees are non-refundable but we can work with you to reschedule days if needed.
featured listings will be updated at approximately 6am US Central Standard Time on your scheduled day and run until 6am the following day.